jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

Taller unidad 1 y 2

A.   Categorías lexicales y uso del diccionario

1.    Selecciona un texto relacionado con tu área de interés

Electricity generation is the main non-residential use of natural gas. Globally, there is a growing demand for electricity, along with reduced tolerance for nuclear power plants and hydropower, a tightening of limits in air, water, noise and pollution, and the high cost wind power and solar. This leaves the gas generation as one of the only options left for utilities.

Coal remains the dominant fuel for power plants in the world. Coal has been the main fuel thermoelectric, due to its low price, worldwide availability, ease of transport, and low technology threshold. However, its major disadvantage is the pollution emitted by combustion.

The natural gas power plants are much cleaner and more efficient than its predecessors. They are also larger, cheaper to build, less noisy, less polluting and easier to turn on and off. In addition, obtaining permits to build natural gas power plants are usually much easier than an equivalent coal or nuclear plants, for these reasons.

The development of independent power producers and increased plant efficiency of combined cycle natural gas have allowed it to become the preferred fuel.

In conventional power plants steam power, fuels such as natural gas, coal or oil to generate steam, which in turn drives a turbine to generate electricity. This process generates waste heat steam generator and low pressure steam turbine. The low-pressure steam can be used for heating, if the demand is there, but can not be used to generate additional power. The overall efficiency, or energy absorption ratio compared to electricity produced by conventional power plants is around 34%.

A combined cycle plant, however, generates power directly from a gas generator when the gas is burned directly in a turbine to generate electricity. Also generates power from steam generated by heat exhausted by the gas generator. Because the gasifier operates at high temperatures, the vapor generated by heat from the gas turbine waste too much energy to move a steam turbine. Efficiency combined cycle plants have increased from 40% to 50% in 1980 to about 55% in more advanced plants.

2.    Identifica tres (03) palabras que no conoces. 
Agrega las abreviaciones.

·         Development (Noun): Desarrollo
·         However (adverb): Sin embargo
·         Steam (Noun): Vapor

3.    Idea principal del texto (en español) 
       En el texto se mencionan las energías alternativas como lo es el gas y las plantas  eléctricas de gas natural las cuales nos dice que son mucho más limpias y más eficientes que sus predecesoras. Son también más grandes, más económicas de construir, menos ruidosas, menos contaminantes y más fácil de encender y apagar. Además, también hace mención que la obtención de permisos para construir dichas plantas  suelen ser mucho más fácil que un equivalente de carbón o centrales nucleares, Sin Embargo el artículo hace mención de los ciclos combinados, los cuales genera la energía directamente de un generador de gas cuando el gas se quema directamente en una turbina para generar electricidad. También se genera energía a partir del vapor generado por el calor agotado por el generador de gas. Debido a que el generador de gas funciona a altas temperaturas, En conclusión El desarrollo de productores independientes de energía y el aumento de la eficiencia de las plantas de gas natural de ciclo combinado han permitido convertirse en el combustible preferido para las industrias.
4.    Categorías lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoría)

·         Palabras de contenido: water, pollution
·         Palabras de Función: by, The
·         Verbos: build, noise
·         Adverbio:, Globally, usually
·         Adjetivo: Low, high
·         Artículo: The, a, an
·         Preposiciones: Of, from
·         Conjunción: of, and
·         Cognados verdaderos: demand, limits, options
·         cognados Falsos: fuel
·         Sufijo: only (ly), directly (ly)
·         Prefijos: hydropower (hydro), thermoelectric (thermo)

A.   Estructura de la oración: (2 ejemplos)

1 .-  The development of independent power producers and increased plant efficiency of combined cycle natural gas have allowed it to become the preferred fuel.

 Frase nominal: The development of independent power producers and increased plant efficiency of combined cycle natural
      Nucleo: development
      Pre-modificadores: The
      Post-Modificadores: of independent power producers and increased plant efficiency of combined cycle natural
     Frase verbal: have allowed it to become the preferred fuel.
     Nucleo: have
    Tiempo Verbal: presente

2 - In conventional power plants steam power, fuels such as natural gas, coal or oil to generate steam, which in turn drives a turbine to generate electricity.

Frase nominal: In conventional power plants steam power, fuels such as natural gas, coal or oil to
Nucleo: steam
Pre-modificadores: In conventional power plants
Post-Modificadores: power, fuels such as natural gas, coal or oil to
Frase verbal: generate steam, which in turn drives a turbine to generate electricity.
Nucleo: generate
Tiempo Verbal: Presente Simple

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